
Would you F*** for Chanel ?

« Who says eco-fashion is only for sunflower seed eating green gurus ? No, we are on a mission to make it edgy, loud, playful, feminin (or not) and hyper cool darling... Our aim is to seduce people with our fashionable creations to start using tote bags instead of plastic bags and to change the world in small steps. »

Le bio devient de plus en plus tendance... Bouffe, t-shirts, pantalons, sacs; on en fait une overdose. Personnellement, je n'arrive à aimer ni ces t-shirts so-not-comfortable en coton bio, ni ces sacs qui adoptent la ayons-tous-la-même-forme-et-même-motifs attitude qui font rimer bio et pas-beau. (sauf le fameux shopping bag Lanvin for H&M, que je ne peux me permettre de critiquer)

Mais qui a dit qu'il était impossible de faire rimer sac eco-friendly et chic ? (mis à part mon dictionnaire de rime qui me dit que eco-friendly rime plus avec "ugly" que "chic")
Wait ! L’inimitable styliste Nicole Locher amoureuse du vintage politiquement incorrect nous prouve que mon dictionnaire a tort. C'est entre un collier "eat a dick" et un t-shirt "best piece of ass in town" que la je-mets-des-propos-pervers-dans-toutes-mes-créations du luxe nous offre une ligne de sac Maud & Tilda haute en chic, luxe, sensualité, moquerie, mais surtout... Humour - signature de Locher !

La morale de l'histoire ? M'acheter un nouveau dictionnaire des rimes. 

These quotes are just amazing. Any favorite ?
Eco-fashion is becoming more and more trendy... Food, t-shirts, pants, bags; having an overdose of it. Personally, I just can't love those so-not-comfortable t-shirts made into organic cotton, nor these bags adopting the lets-have-the-same-shape-and-pattern attitude which are making organic and non-fantastic rhyme. (except the famous shopping bag Lanvin for H&M that I can't let myself criticize)

But who said it was impossible to make eco-friendly and chic rhyme ? (apart from my dictionary of rhymes that is telling me "eco-friendly" rhymes more with "ugly" than "chic")
Wait ! The inimitable designer Nicole Locher, lover of the vintage politically incorrect proves that my dictionary is wrong. It's between a "eat a dick" necklace and a "best piece of ass in town" t-shirt that the I-put-perverted-quotes-in-all-my-creations of luxury offers a new line of shopping bags named Maud & Tilda with a high level of chic, luxury, sensuality, mockery, but especially... Humor -  the Locher hallmark !

The moral of the story ? Buy a new dictionary of rhymes.

Dedicating this article to my friend Julien who - weirdly - thought of me when he heard about it...
Now lemme ask you, dear reader, would you fuck for Chanel?

Xox, Fashiomina!

1 commentaire:

  1. Ummm, ok??? I Have not seen these before but let me just say they are...in deed different :P
    I love the: 'one day i'll be reckless enough to buy myself a Hermes bag' and 'all my crap fits in here'


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